I talk due-diligence of online assets with Brian Diener from Centurica.
Due-diligence for online businesses in Covidland.
Brian Diener is with Centurica, they’re due-diligence experts for online businesses.
I had Brian come to the Business Buyer Advantage group coaching program as July’s guest expert.
I wanted to invite him to the main YouTube channel to talk about what they’re seeing in the online business marketplace now that Covid has disrupted business around the world.
We also touched upon some of the issues and dangers in having a brick and mortar business pivot to online.
Check out the interview here: https://youtu.be/-nRhkZ_fjcI
Learn about the coaching program here: https://www.BusinessBuyerAdventure.com
Learn how to buy an already-successful and profitable business even in the covid-recession of 2020: https://www.BusinessBuyerAdvantage.com
Book a call with me at https://www.clarity.fm/davidbarnett
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